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How to use AJAX timer control to alert user when session times out.

Recently I needed a way to redirect the user to the login page after a certain time of inactivity. I found a neat way to do this using AJAX timer control.

Following is the approach I took. I put the code in my master page as it can be shared by all the content pages.

1) Drag and drop the script manager control.
2) Drag and drop an update panel.
3) Set the updatepanel's UpdateMode property to Conditional.
4) Drag and drop a Timer control inside the update panel. Set the Interval property to the session time out time.
5) Set the timer control as a trigger to the update panel which causes it to postback on some event (Tick) .
Following is the code after the first 5 steps.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelMaster" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="500000"> </asp:Timer>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Timer1" EventName="Tick" />
6) Now we need to sprinkle some javascript to go about our business. The basic idea is we need handle PageRequestManager's begin Request and end request events.

7)In the following code, we got hold of the instance of the PageRequestManager and handled its beginRequest and endRequests event by passing our function name as the parameter.
<script type="text/javascript">
var mgr = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

//This function is called before each AJAX request
function BeforeAjaxRequest(sender, args)
var eventTarget=$get('__EVENTTARGET').value;
if(eventTarget=='<%=Timer1.UniqueID%>') //if timer triggered the postback..
alert('Your session has expired.');
return false;
//if the post back is not triggered by the timer, stop the timer
//so that it doesn't time out when the post back is in process.
var timer = $find('<%= Timer1.ClientID %>');

//This event is called after each request
function AfterAjaxRequest(sender,args)
var timer = $find('<%= Timer1.ClientID %>');
var interval=timer.get_interval();
timer._startTimer(); //Restart the timer..


8) Every time there is a AJAX request, BeforeAJAXRequest method gets called. In that, I'm inspecting the event target to figure out who initiated the AJAX request.

9) If the request is initiated by our timer control, that means the user hasn't done anything for the specified interval. If that is the case alert the user and redirect to the login page. If it is not initiated by the timer, then stop the timer so that it doesn't time out during the postback.

10)In the event handler for endRequest event, restart the timer. Since the timer will be sitting in the master page and each content page can have their own update panels, the timer will not be reset on each postback automatically. So the timer might time out after the specified interval even though post backs happened during that interval. So to avoid that, we are stopping and starting the timer.


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